Thursday, July 4, 2013

Heritage Dresser

Again, I failed to take a "Before" pic so I'm uploading this one which was taken by the person who I bought this bedroom furniture set from. I was really after just the dresser (had an idea for a Father's Day gift for my dad) so I ended up selling the matching nightstands shortly after purchasing this set.

So, when I showed Dad his gift (via pics on FB since we are not living in the same state - yet) he melted, and died, and cried and laughed.  Says it's the best Father's Day present he's ever gotten. This piece is a family heirloom that will be passed down for generations.

My dad is the smartest, most interesting person I know, I wish everybody could know him.  I can't wait to get this to him so he can enjoy it.
"Heritage not Hate"

Tunes: Mixed playlists, mostly Nirvana, The Doors, Smashing Pumpkins. Lot's of classic rock.


  1. LEARN YOur history. This symbol is not about southern heritage! This dresser has a symbol of treason! This symbol resemble the Conferate flag which was first used by the confederates in North Caroline when they committed treason against the rest of the nation. Tou could have easily used any other symbols of southern pride. Why use something that clearly says “I’m want to have the right to own people for free labor”.

  2. Learn your history! Educate yourself by reading!

  3. DO You see any Germanys putting swatikas on their furniture claiming it’s heritage?

  4. Cee C. you're sadly mistaken and you know nothing about the true nature of the confederate battle flag, nor do you know the real reason the war began. It started because Lincoln wanted to tax southerners more than yankees. It wasn't because of slavery. You need a true lesson in history rather than what you've been taught in public school.

  5. That dresser is amazing! Where can I find one for my man cave? Ignore the ignorant haters on here. They are probably the same people preaching for “tolerance” while telling us southerners that our culture is not acceptable.
